Welcome to Tarot, Trinkets & Treasures.
Tarot, Trinkets & Treasures is a unique online store that offers a variety of products and services. Our services include tarot readings, intuitive artwork, and courses and workshops. We also offer customised calendars and a wide selection of quality crystal and metaphysical products. Our mission is to provide our customers with quality products and services that help them connect with their inner magic
Kim is the owner of Tarot, Trinkets & Treasures, an international tarot reader, artist, author, teacher and creator of the successful oracle deck Unveiled and recently became an International Best Selling Author with the multi authored book Raising Wild Ones.
Unveiled came into being after hundreds of tarot readings and the need to dig further into our own psyche to find what lies beneath, keeping us from living our best lives.
Unveiled is a unique scrying deck of two parts that invites you to explore the depths of your soul. Through awareness, change occurs, yet there are often aspects of self that we are unable to identify clearly. Allow the cards and the guidebook to help you shine a light upon the dark and unveil your shadows. Look into the artwork, what do you see?
You have been guided here and it’s exactly where you are meant to be. Breathe in the possibilites and the energy. Trust and Transform.
Learn Tarot
Tarot Courses
Tarot Readings
Tarot readings in Person, Online or Zoom appointments available
Channelled Art
Allow me to tap into your energy and paint you a completely unique piece of artwork.
You will see images unfold as you look deeper into your painting, and find the hidden meanings and messages contained within.
They are painted on A3 Yupo paper 420mm x 297mm (16.5 inches x 11.5 inches) , using the alcohol ink medium.
Each artwork is only $79.99.
Original Artwork is also for sale.
Please contact me via tarottrinketsandtreasures@gmail.com to book in your special artwork.
12 month custom desktop calendars, each calendar provides a mini reading for each month of the year.