Goldstone Witch hat earrings
Goldstone Witch hat earrings on Sterling Silver hooks
Some consider goldstone to be a symbol of ingenuity, ambition, and drive. It believed to reduce tension, revitalize the wearer and encourage a positive attitude. Brown goldstone, with its copper content, is believed to carry many of the metaphysical properties of that metal.
Goldstone Witch hat earrings on Sterling Silver hooks
Some consider goldstone to be a symbol of ingenuity, ambition, and drive. It believed to reduce tension, revitalize the wearer and encourage a positive attitude. Brown goldstone, with its copper content, is believed to carry many of the metaphysical properties of that metal.
Goldstone Witch hat earrings on Sterling Silver hooks
Some consider goldstone to be a symbol of ingenuity, ambition, and drive. It believed to reduce tension, revitalize the wearer and encourage a positive attitude. Brown goldstone, with its copper content, is believed to carry many of the metaphysical properties of that metal.